Alpha Restaurant Equipment and Supplies - Worcester

Consumabile Medicale
2 Olde Millbury Street Worcester, MA 01610, United States

Alpha Restaurant Equipment and Supplies

3 / 5 din 2 recenzii
2 Olde Millbury Street Worcester, MA 01610, United States


★ 3 / 5 din 2 recenzii

Restaurantul Alpha Restaurant Equipment and Supplies este cu adevărat o alegere bună, lucru confirmat și de oaspeți care au oferit o evaluare medie de 3.

Terrible service! Woman was so unpleasant and seemed annoyed at the fact I even walked inDid no...


Great medical store. Needed crutches and went there for them. Great service was in and out in a...


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Rezervările pot fi făcute la acest local prin telefon, numărul de telefon: +15087577889.

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