No64 The Joiners - West Malling

Limba Franceza, Cocktail
64 High Street, West Malling ME19 6LU, United Kingdom

No64 The Joiners

3.4 / 5 din 425 recenzii
64 High Street, West Malling ME19 6LU, United Kingdom

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★ 3.4 / 5 din 425 recenzii

Restaurantul No64 The Joiners este cu adevărat o alegere bună, lucru confirmat și de vizitatori care au oferit o evaluare medie de 3.4.

Fabulous cocktail making class. Everything was beautifully presented and we had a brilliant tim...

What a fantastic night at The Joiners Arms. Great atmosphere and lovely people to read for. Tha...

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