Quiznos Sub - Strathmore

#16 - Pizza - Strathmore, #16 - Fast Food - Strathmore, Sandvișuri
110I-800 Pine Rd, Strathmore, AB T1P 1C1, Canada
Mâncăruri: 2

Quiznos Sub

3 / 5 din 2 recenzii
110I-800 Pine Rd, Strathmore, AB T1P 1C1, Canada

Rezervă acum


★ 3 / 5 din 2 recenzii

Restaurantul Quiznos Sub are o evaluare medie de 3, fiind în principiu o alegere bună.

I came across to them just by chance. I ordered the Traditional Italian and I absolutely loved...


I work in the mall and make it a point to always ask the two young guys to make my subThey're h...



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