Haiku Japenese Bistro - Saint Paul

#10 - Sushi - Mendota Heights, #10 - Asiatic - Mendota Heights, Japonez
754 Highway 110, Saint Paul I-55120-1509, United States

Haiku Japenese Bistro

4.2 / 5 din 454 recenzii
754 Highway 110, Saint Paul I-55120-1509, United States



★ 4.2 / 5 din 454 recenzii

Bazat pe media notelor de 4.2, Haiku Japenese Bistro merită cu siguranță o vizită.

Excellent service and one of the waitresses ran down the sidewalk to give me my boxed food afte...


You have to see this place for yourself. The food is very fresh and delicious. I haven't had su...


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