Hereghty Heavenly Delicious - Raleigh

#48 - European - NC, #48 - European - NC, Contemporan
2603 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh I-27608-1044, United States

Hereghty Heavenly Delicious

3.8 / 5 din 629 recenzii
2603 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh I-27608-1044, United States



★ 3.8 / 5 din 629 recenzii

Cei mai mulți clienți ai Hereghty Heavenly Delicious au fost foarte mulțumiți cu vizita, nota medie fiind de 3.8.

The best pastries I've ever had! Our family loves the cream puffs they are huge and beautiful!...


I'm not a regular coffee drinker, but occasionally I like to enjoy a cup of latte. Lavender Lat...


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