J & D Diner - Quill Lake

American, Diners
67 Main St, Quill Lake, SK S0A 3E0, Canada

J & D Diner

3.3 / 5 din 3 recenzii
67 Main St, Quill Lake, SK S0A 3E0, Canada


★ 3.3 / 5 din 3 recenzii

Restaurantul J & D Diner are o evaluare medie de 3.3, fiind în principiu o alegere nu atât de rea.

Bad food, everything was tasteless and seemed frozen not freshThe only perk was the incredibly...


Went here yesterday with my cousin for the first time.


Mai multe informații

Rezervările pot fi făcute la acest restaurant telefonic, numărul de apel: (+1)3063832568.

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