Crumco Restaurant Service HVAC . - Phelan

Limba Franceza
10847 Monte Vista Rd Phelan, CA 92371-8352, United States

Crumco Restaurant Service HVAC .

3.3 / 5 din 3 recenzii
10847 Monte Vista Rd Phelan, CA 92371-8352, United States


★ 3.3 / 5 din 3 recenzii

Restaurantul Crumco Restaurant Service HVAC . are o evaluare medie de 3.3, fiind în principiu o alegere bună.

Houses in Ilfracombe old Police station (hence the name) this is stylish modern brasserie servi...


Very nice looking place and interesting menu.


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Rezervările pot fi făcute la acest restaurant prin telefon, numărul de telefon: (+1)9096647924.

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