Sushi Station - Milltown

#21 - Sushi - North Brunswick Township, #22 - Asiatic - North Brunswick Township, Carne
300 Ryders Ln, Milltown I-08850-1706, United States
Mâncăruri: 45

Sushi Station

4.1 / 5 din 397 recenzii
300 Ryders Ln, Milltown I-08850-1706, United States


★ 4.1 / 5 din 397 recenzii

Bazat pe media notelor de 4.1, Sushi Station merită cu siguranță o vizită.

I absolutely love the Milltown store its never overly crowded which makes it so much nicer to s...


Got to love the bathrooms right up front, and this store is never too busy...



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