Valley Inn Family Dining - Lakewood

Tradamerican, Greacă, American
1997 S Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood, CO 80227-2434, United States
Mâncăruri: 1

Valley Inn Family Dining

4 / 5 din 3 recenzii
1997 S Wadsworth Blvd Lakewood, CO 80227-2434, United States


★ 4 / 5 din 3 recenzii

Bazat pe media recenziilor de 4, Valley Inn Family Dining merită cu siguranță o vizită.

This isn't my first visit here at Valley Inn but I just never checked in on YelpBreakfast is my...


I can't say this is any better than Village Inn or anything of the likePriced the sameCoffee wa...



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