Sawadee Thai Cuisine - Jefferson City

#4 - Asiatic - Jefferson City, #4 - Sushi - Jefferson City, Vegetarian
1507 E McCarty St, Jefferson City I-65101-4347, United States
Mâncăruri: 2

Sawadee Thai Cuisine

4.4 / 5 din 338 recenzii
1507 E McCarty St, Jefferson City I-65101-4347, United States



★ 4.4 / 5 din 338 recenzii

Bazat pe media evaluărilor de 4.4, Sawadee Thai Cuisine merită cu siguranță o vizită, în plus, acest local este cunoscut ca unul dintre cele mai bune în Jefferson City, în cadrul popularului segment Asiatic.

The wait can be long as the waitress was also our chef. It was a bit awkward since that meant t...


My sister and I had dinner there last night. The food was very good, and the sitting area was v...



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