Waterloo Restaurant Ventures - Hillsboro

Indian, Pub
2290 Nw Allie Ave Hillsboro, OR 97124-9078, United States
Mâncăruri: 1

Waterloo Restaurant Ventures

4 / 5 din 3 recenzii
2290 Nw Allie Ave Hillsboro, OR 97124-9078, United States

Dacă vii la Waterloo Restaurant Ventures în Hillsboro cu vehiculul, vei găsi parcaje la o distanță de 215 metri pe The Streets Parking.


★ 4 / 5 din 3 recenzii

Bazat pe media recenziilor de 4, Waterloo Restaurant Ventures merită cu siguranță o vizită.

This joint is always full which always mean it's a good thingWent with a couple of friends and...


A passable Indian restaurant in a fabulous location, with a very nice fit out; it's a great mee...



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