Les Rotisseries Sthubert - Granby

Grătar, Grătar, Pui
799 Rue DufferinQC J2H 0T9, Granby, Canada

Les Rotisseries Sthubert

4 / 5 din 2 recenzii
799 Rue DufferinQC J2H 0T9, Granby, Canada

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★ 4 / 5 din 2 recenzii

Bazat pe media evaluărilor de 4, Les Rotisseries Sthubert merită cu siguranță o vizită.

one of the amazing things about st hub is the consistency! they really have a good formula as y...

i love St-HubertI have tried it in ottawa, montreal and now in granby -- but i must say that th...

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