Le Moose Crepe Cafe - Fremont

#28 - Vegetarian - Newark, Sushi, Asiatic
5014 Mowry Ave., Fremont I-94538, United States

Le Moose Crepe Cafe

4.1 / 5 din 1077 recenzii
5014 Mowry Ave., Fremont I-94538, United States



★ 4.1 / 5 din 1077 recenzii

Bazat pe media notelor de 4.1, Le Moose Crepe Cafe merită cu siguranță o vizită.

Curry Puffs: This appetizer was delicious. They offer pickled cucumber and onions. The curry it...


Great little place with amazing food. Lots of vegetarian and Vegan options. Has a good collecti...

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