The New Frontier Grill - Fort St. John

Grătar, Pub
10320 100 Ave, Fort St John, BC V1J 1Y9, Canada, Fort St. John

The New Frontier Grill

3.7 / 5 din 35 recenzii
10320 100 Ave, Fort St John, BC V1J 1Y9, Canada, Fort St. John


★ 3.7 / 5 din 35 recenzii

Cei mai mulți clienți ai The New Frontier Grill au fost foarte mulțumiți cu vizita, nota medie fiind de 3.7.

Music is great! Drinking is great! The staff is great! Everything's up. I don't hear anything b...

Great melodies and a really friendly atmosphere. Layout is great and the dance floor is well th...

Mai multe informații

Rezervările pot fi făcute la acest restaurant prin telefon, numărul de apel: +12507872132.

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