radhey radhey restaurant - Etāwah

Indian, Indian
Karwa Kheda Kanpur Road, Etawah 206001, India, Etāwah

radhey radhey restaurant

3.5 / 5 din 3 recenzii
Karwa Kheda Kanpur Road, Etawah 206001, India, Etāwah


★ 3.5 / 5 din 3 recenzii

Cei mai mulți oaspeți ai radhey radhey restaurant au fost foarte mulțumiți cu vizita, nota medie fiind de 3.5.

Good place to have your meal for the vegetarians. Tasty food and hygienic. Cost was also it is...

Very bad service and poor staff reastaurant is good but no proper facilities and home delivery...


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