Red House - City of Binghamton

#15 - Fructe de mare - Binghamton, Chinez, Peşte
200 Main St, Binghamton, NY 13905, City of Binghamton, United States
Mâncăruri: 6

Red House

4.3 / 5 din 124 recenzii
200 Main St, Binghamton, NY 13905, City of Binghamton, United States


★ 4.3 / 5 din 124 recenzii

Bazat pe media evaluărilor de 4.3, Red House merită cu siguranță o vizită.

The owner was very helpful when I was trying to find ingredients to cook with.

Great place for spicy and Chinese food lover, their diner in only special dish 'hotpot ' is a m...


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Rezervările pot fi făcute la acest restaurant prin telefon, numărul de telefon: (+1)6073339010.

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