Risa's Deli & Catering Co.. - Buffalo

#71 - Cafenea - Eggertsville, Cafea, Gogoși
1298 Hertel Avenue Buffalo, NY 14216, United States

Risa's Deli & Catering Co..

2.7 / 5 din 3 recenzii
1298 Hertel Avenue Buffalo, NY 14216, United States


★ 2.7 / 5 din 3 recenzii

Media notării pentru Risa's Deli & Catering Co.. cu 2.7 sugerează recenzii amestecate.

I come to this Dunkin consistently and I'm very happy with the service I getThey are so friendl...


Once we got the right coffee it was greatI had to explain to an employee that a swirl is sweete...


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