Pho 94 - Anaheim

619 N Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92801-4623, United States

Pho 94

3 / 5 din 3 recenzii
619 N Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92801-4623, United States


★ 3 / 5 din 3 recenzii

Cu o evaluare medie de 3, în general, se poate spune că alegerea restaurantului Pho 94 este o alegere bună.

So as the boys and i sat down for some Pho a lady next to us said how she admired how good my...


Oh my god worst service Im was frustrating eating my food which is that i pay It was very unco...


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Rezervările pot fi făcute la acest local prin telefon, numărul de telefon: +17147588277.

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