Red Robin - Amarillo

Burgeri, Tradamerican, Peşte
8720 I-40 W Amarillo, TX 79124-3310, United States
Mâncăruri: 6

Red Robin

3.7 / 5 din 3 recenzii
8720 I-40 W Amarillo, TX 79124-3310, United States


★ 3.7 / 5 din 3 recenzii

Cei mai mulți clienți ai Red Robin au fost foarte mulțumiți cu mâncarea, nota medie fiind de 3.7.

Great burger and garlic fries. Hubby had fish n chipsGenerous amount of fish and good flavor....


If you eat here do not have Ryan as your server. He got way to handsy with my wife. Made her un...



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