La Frontera Mexican Food Restaurant - Amarillo

#16 - Mexican - Amarillo, #22 - Fast Food - Amarillo, Băuturi
1401 S Arthur St Amarillo, TX 79102-4207, United States

La Frontera Mexican Food Restaurant

4.4 / 5 din 1214 recenzii
1401 S Arthur St Amarillo, TX 79102-4207, United States



★ 4.4 / 5 din 1214 recenzii

Bazat pe media notelor de 4.4, La Frontera Mexican Food Restaurant merită cu siguranță o vizită.

Best little hole in the wall restaurant. Food was delicious! And they aren't stingy with it! Mo...


It was my first time there. The service was fabulous, the food was Soo good!! I had the dinner...


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